Someone once said we cannot give what we do not have. Fortunately we have love. Why not share it?
Hello friends.
Don't get me wrong. I am not inviting you to fall in love. Even if, I am not prohibiting you to do it that way. Instead, I am inviting us to share love. Giving it interestlessly, giving it joyfully, giving it because we are convinced that there is not another way for things to be done.
Let love be without dissimulation and let us cleave to the goodness.
Being kindly affectionned one to another. I am conviced this world needs much more love and gratitude from one to another. I do not say be hypocrite, nope! I say be you and you can be kind without forcing yourself. If not, then just make sure you don't harm anyone, it is also love.
Keep the joy!
Keep the joy!
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