mardi 21 novembre 2017


Image result for happiness 
What is your view about love? What do you know about it?
Have you ever felt it, ever been in it?
Whatever, believe you will reach to that someday
But before that, these are questions you shall ask to yourself

Have I ever been daring? Ever been trying being happy as possible?
Nobody is meant to be sad for his whole life
I could not be able to make a good trip if I am not well being
Should I settle up in my misery, and saunter in this world just like a paper blowed by the wind?

I try to understand that life is not paying me back my own coin
Nothing is perfect at all I must accept it, I know it, perfection is delusional
My serenity is deep in me and I shall try to seek it out

I shall search out peace.
I think peace is the direct introduction to happiness. I can’t build nothing build with a trouble soul no matter how will-minded I am, I cannot
So I must try, I shall dare, it is time for me to be brave to search out happiness

Trying being happy is be not afraid to fall, it is try not to surrender
Try to be happy is try to be stronger with each tear, at each step
And keep remembering that tears do not mean I am losing.

 I hope you liked it. Please comments and have a nice day.


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