mercredi 18 octobre 2017

Be consistent !

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Hello friends.

I hope everyone's ok. We are launching the end of the week so I guess we are all in the right mood😁. Why I want all of us to be consistent, more and more? I have realize that people around me always almost fail when they try to improve their lives, or to make their lives something better. It has been easier for me to realize it because a few years ago I was doing the same. 

What is consistency?  Consistency is conformity, in doing something. It is an evoluative process that needs to be build everyday. Let me give you and example. You want to eat more healthy. But you are still eating at fast food and drink sodas more than twice a week😳. It won't works. To be consistent in that goal, you have to start cooking healthy food at home. I hope we are all understanding the meaning. 

Nowourday, it has become usual for us to want immediate results and instant gratification that we have come to believe our personal transformation should happen instantaneously, the minute we decide we want it to happen. But almost all the time, the result we are looking for will not come quickly. 

So, I am going to share with you 3 tips, I have experienced and which are still working for me, with you to help you  to be consistent. 

1. Give yourself time to increase. The truth is lasting change doesn’t happen quickly. But if you let the magic of compounding efforts do their thing, over time you can have some truly amazing results in any area of your life. This requires patience;

2. Empower your willConsistency requires willpower to achieve. Example: somedays you do not want to go to work, or you do not want to be kind but you do it because you empower your will. It is not just about your feelings, it is about being consistent. When you master your will, it makes all the difference. If you do not know your to master your will, just take a look at this past post about it. Check it 😊 ;

3. Be resistent and set boundaries.  Setting a boundary really just means setting constraints on exactly how and when you're going to do certain things. with boundaries it will be easier to be consistent. You know exactly what you have to do. acting. Example: you do not just have to say " ok by now I will be consistent!" NO. It does not work like this. You must start acting. If you want to be a kindly person, don't say "I am kind by now" but start greeting people you meet, appreciate them, appreciate their work, when they do good stuff let them know and this has to be usual, so that you can be consistent. 

“In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.”
Anthony Robbins

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